Choosing a Life Plan

It is fundamental to Allan's understanding of life that we plan the basic outline of our lives before we accept to come to this planet. However, that plan is loose and flexible. Nothing is fixed until it is actualised. (And even then, Allan questions if the so-called events from our so-called past are really all that fixed). Our plans must, of necessity, remain somewhat fluid. They have to be flexible enough that we can adapt to the ever changing scenarios around us, because everyone else involved in our personal life story also has free will. And, at a national and international level, events occur which are largely beyond our control, that help determine, to some extent, the broad backdrop into which we fit our own personal dream stories.

What we do, before we are born, is that we decide for ourselves what beliefs, values and creative dreams we wish to explore in more detail within our lives. We then plan the major events of our lives around which we build a framework. For instance we may say that we will go to school until we are fifteen, then go to trade school. We may already have decided we want to be a teacher, or a banker, or a newspaper reporter. We may have already chosen a life partner to work with, or a series of close personal relationships that will help us move through the issues we want to explore in more detail. Whatever it is, we do so willingly, in close co-operation with others that are involved. Thus we establish a framework around which we plan our lives.

Think about how you plan a holiday. Some people plan it to the minutest detail. At 4:30 pm we will arrive here. At 6:00 pm we will visit... Fortunately, we are all different. There is no right or wrong way to plan a holiday. Or a life. Some people like to keep their plans open, so they can adapt to new circumstances. Some like the itinerary written out in detail. The plan, and how you write it, is completely up to you. But, if you are travelling with friends, you need to work co-operatively. Or else you'll end up in different places, or at the same place at different times. The key thing is that any framework has to be flexible.

Whether we like to admit it or not, such a framework must of necessity follow some inbuilt cyclic rules. Nobody starts university at age four. Although theoretically, we could, if we suspended our current beliefs. Nobody gets married at age six, unless they are betrothed at birth or at a very young age, as in the arranged marriage practices common in some eastern cultures. For the most part, we have socially agreed time-lines for our lives. We accept that there is a period of infancy, in which the child develops basic intellectual and social skills.

We accept that there is a period of childhood, adolescence, young adulthood, maturity, middle age and old age. Each phase has its own characteristics. Each is associated with certain skills and attributes. Each follows progressively in a regulated order. And each could be symbolised by the various energies and movements of the planets. But no-one can say that at age 36 for instance, everyone will suffer a mid life crisis. Our arrangements are much more personal and flexible than that. And no-one can predict that at exactly 12:30 pm, when the moon eclipses the sun, that they will get married. Or divorced.

When we decide to accept the gift of life, when we choose to express our creativity within this earthly reality we call home, we always choose travelling companions to help us live out the creative realisation of our dreams. In the process of learning to express our creativity, as we deal with other people around us, as we try to fit our individual life plan into an ever shifting matrix of possibilities, life throws up challenges. There are either resource issues; not enough money or materials. Or, there are people issues. Nobody wants to listen. Nobody else thinks that our plan of action is a good idea. Nobody appreciates the things we are trying to do.

Let's face it. Life doesn't always seem to fall in around our plans.

But, it could, if we understood the basic rules. It could, if we learned to understand the beliefs and cultural patterns that have limited us in the past. The limiting thought and behaviour patterns that still limit us now. It could, if we learned to work more co-operatively with our inner being. It could, if we learned to become aware of the inner arrangements constantly being made on our behalf by our inner consciousness, within our dreams.

In short, it could, if we decided to loosen up our expectations and let it. But no-one has yet explained the rules in a simple coherent way that allows us to start building a new code for the way we could organise and live our lives.

It is hoped that the material presented in these web pages and in Allan's collective works will help you with this understanding.